Let Yourself Be A Beginner

Uncategorized May 06, 2024

What if you just began today?

The hardest part of ANYTHING you want in life is getting started. 

You most likely want to know everything before you get going. Your brain will want to fight you on this one. You want all the answers to every possibly situation before you even get going. This is your brain trying to protect you from all the things that can go wrong. 

Totally understandable. Our brains like certainty.

The only problem is there is no way to know everything that can go wrong.

However, do you let your brain have equal time thinking of all the ways this could be the best home business ever?

At minimum give your brain equal playing time. ;)

You take the first step and trust that you will be able to figure it out as you go.

So, if there is no way to know all the possible things that could be hard or frustrating or ??? You may as well decide that starting your own business is going to be an amazing journey and you will be the problem solver you need to be on your way...

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Creating Systems For Your Ceramic Handprint Business

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2020

Greetings from Texas! We just moved to Texas this past September. What a whirlwind this past few months have been. We are now in the Austin area. Any Texans in the house?! 

I know there is a lot to plan for when you start your own ceramic hand and footprint business. This is the reason that I have a lot of free content out on the interwebs for you. 

So, grab your notebook and take notes during this video. 

I want you to be prepared for your very own ceramic hand and footprint home business. It will take some planning.

In this vlog I want to talk to you about what you should be thinking about as you step into entrepreneur life

Getting systems in place will for sure help shape and mold your business. Remember, everything is figuroutable and by outlining the areas of your business that will need time and preparation, will help reduce overwhelm and lead you to success.

Treat your business well and it will treat you well. Enjoy!


[email protected]

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Feeling Nervous About Your Ceramic Handprint Business?

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2020

#ceramichandprintbusiness #homebusiness #Ceramichandprint

Do you feel all the butterflies when you think about starting your own Ceramic Hand and Footprint business?

Good! You are normal and on the right track.

In this vlog I talk about what is going on and the psychology behind this. I even give you a little homework, so pay attention. ;)

I hope to see you on the inside of my training soon!

~ Amy

[email protected]

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Six Weeks Till The New Year, Get Ready!

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2020

Yep, it is a crazy busy time of year for a lot of people, but it is the perfect time to get ready to start your business off in 2021. 2021, can you believe it?

2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least. A year of slowing down, a year of learning how to manage your mind when life throws curve balls and a year of figuring out how to do things differently.

One thing I am seeing is how creative people can be. Many of us have lost jobs, gotten sick, home schooling, working at home, all in all figuring it out.

If you are looking for a way to continue to figure it out, when you have to rely on yourself, build your grand Ceramic Handprint Business this year.

You just have to have a desire to learn and a willingness to do it.

I am here to teach you what you need to know. You don't even have to have ever played with clay before.

It is fun and exciting and I can't wait to be your teacher!


[email protected]

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Home Based Business and Your Ceramic Handprint Empire

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2020

Hello future Ceramic Handprint Creator!

Listen, we all know that the world is a bit wobbly right now, right?

It is August 2020 and we are all experiencing a shift in how we do things.

One thing we know for sure is, people are going to keep having babies!

This is good news for you since you want to find ways to make money for your family AND stay home during these times.

It is totally possible to create a safe, clean environment for you and your clients.

As as Dave Ramsey tells us...

If you do not know who Dave Ramsey is, google him. A huge financial guru. He has been a help to so many people, including me, and I happen to agree with him.

I have been self employed for 20 years! WOW. Time goes by so fast.

Another perk of learning how to make beautiful ceramic hand and footprint keepsakes, is you can make anything ceramic! I started another business making ceramic pocket stones. I called it Soul Candy Co.

The options are limitless. You just have to make a decision. I will teach you...

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Ceramic Handprint Business Testimonial. Short and Sweet.

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2020

Sometimes, years down the road, I will get a sweet message in my inbox, from one of my peeps. They tell me about their business and how much they love it.

Want to be one of my CHT trainees?

I can't wait to hear from you. ;)

"I've been meaning to write you for awhile now. I've been wanting to let you know how wonderful my business has been for me! I enjoy it so much and it is very conducive to our family situation, not to mention I have had success beyond what we ever imagined! So thank you for the opportunity you have given me."

- Lindsey, CA

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Think Beyond Hand & Foot & Doggie Paws. Critter Ceramic Prints too!

Several years ago, I made a home visit to make some family ceramic handprints for a whole family. When I was done creating the big family impressions, the kids brought out their little critters and asked if I would make little impressions of them! I said, sure! Why not? I had already created paw prints of their doggies, let's just add the little critters to the doggie impression plate.

As you can see, they are teeny tiny, so it was no problem.

I think the top three impressions were of a hamster, a gerble and a lizard. I may be wrong, as this was a long time ago. But it was so much fun!

The kids giggled and they loved that all of their furry (and not furry) friends were included in the mix.

Think outside of the box my friend.

This business is about having fun. Make sure you take that mindset into it as you go. 

As always, any questions email me [email protected]

~Amy xo

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Your Kids and Your Ceramic Handprint Business

Our children are always watching us. They are little sponges that soak up all we do and say. This is Nathan, he is now 21! All grown up.

When I started my Ceramic Handprint Business, I did it because I wanted something for myself AND I wanted to make money.

Little did I know how great it would be for my kids.

My business became such a part of my family's life, that when I sold it, my teenage boys were sad.

Even my oldest (23 year now) who has always been a kid of few words, talked about how sad he was that I was selling it.

I involved them as much as I could.

As you can see by the photo above, handprints happened all the time!

I love it. I loved that I could set them up next to me and give them some clay to play with and they could go to town, creating anything they wanted. 

I taught them the process. They were used to the kiln and the fragile nature of the pieces I was creating. 

It was fun for all of us. 

There is so much more to this business than you think. Yes,...

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So You Want To Be A Handprint Maker?!

You had your child's hand and footprints created by an amazing ceramic handprint lady. 

You fell in love with the idea.

You have written down all the things you can remember from your appointment.

You have even come up with a few cute business names.

This is something you can do from home.

You think you can do it.

You get really excited.

You seriously start thinking this could be an actual option for you.


The part of your brain that tries to protect you from failure kicks in.

It says, but, what if it doesn't work?

There are other people doing this.

I have never done ceramics before. (except that one time in high school)

I have never started a business before, why do I think I can do this?

Ekkk, this is scary.


Just notice all of those thoughts.

That is all that they are, thoughts.

Look at the different brain patterns going on here. Same brain, doing what it is supposed to do, protect you AND move you forward in life.

Which thoughts do you believe?

The good news...

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Styles, Shapes, and Molds Oh My!

Uncategorized Jul 03, 2020

What is going to be your signature style for YOUR Ceramic Handprint Business?

The options are endless for creating your Ceramic Hand and Feet Impressions style. You can create classic shapes, ie. circles, squares, rectangles or you can create your own templates of animals, sports balls, stars, a cross, insects and more.

You can pick a color palette that you love. Use only a few colors overall or offer 30 or 40 color options.

You can use stamps for lettering if you do not want to "write" in the clay.

You can only use your handwritten lettering.

Solid color plates or two tone plates. (plates your hand and footprint creations)

You get to decide! How fun is that?!

Creating heirloom keepsakes for families is priceless. Customers will ask you to make all sorts of designs. If you are comfortable creating, by all means jump in and offer as many designs as you would like. Or, if you prefer, just start out with classic options. Either way, you are providing beautiful keepsakes that your...

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