Creating Systems For Your Ceramic Handprint Business

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2020

Greetings from Texas! We just moved to Texas this past September. What a whirlwind this past few months have been. We are now in the Austin area. Any Texans in the house?! 

I know there is a lot to plan for when you start your own ceramic hand and footprint business. This is the reason that I have a lot of free content out on the interwebs for you. 

So, grab your notebook and take notes during this video. 

I want you to be prepared for your very own ceramic hand and footprint home business. It will take some planning.

In this vlog I want to talk to you about what you should be thinking about as you step into entrepreneur life

Getting systems in place will for sure help shape and mold your business. Remember, everything is figuroutable and by outlining the areas of your business that will need time and preparation, will help reduce overwhelm and lead you to success.

Treat your business well and it will treat you well. Enjoy!


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50% Complete

Two Step

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