Your Kids and Your Ceramic Handprint Business

Our children are always watching us. They are little sponges that soak up all we do and say. This is Nathan, he is now 21! All grown up.

When I started my Ceramic Handprint Business, I did it because I wanted something for myself AND I wanted to make money.

Little did I know how great it would be for my kids.

My business became such a part of my family's life, that when I sold it, my teenage boys were sad.

Even my oldest (23 year now) who has always been a kid of few words, talked about how sad he was that I was selling it.

I involved them as much as I could.

As you can see by the photo above, handprints happened all the time!

I love it. I loved that I could set them up next to me and give them some clay to play with and they could go to town, creating anything they wanted. 

I taught them the process. They were used to the kiln and the fragile nature of the pieces I was creating. 

It was fun for all of us. 

There is so much more to this business than you think. Yes, work is involved, but that is going to happen no matter what "job" you decide to do.

Why not pick one that you can mold around your family?!

Create a business. Create memories. Create some money.

Amy xo

[email protected]


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