Happy New Year Beautiful!

2017....Bring it ON!

How many years have you spent sitting down on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day and written a list of your new year goals??? 

If you are like me...every year, right?!

Well, of course I still want to lose weight, make more money, improve my relationships, go on a nice vacation, read more etc. All those goals are in check and being worked on but...

This year I am making two changes that will give me more time for all of these things (above list) to manifest into my life; I am not keeping my phone by my bed during the night and I am getting up and out of bed at the same time (earlier) everyday (with the exception of a few weekend days here and there.)

I love my phone. It keeps me connected and it keeps me entertained. It makes it so I can escape for hours at a time, if I let myself. Sometimes, that is okay, everyday and night (into the wee hours of the mornings too) is not okay.

I resolve to connect more in real life. Phone calls, emails, date nights (sans phone,) handwritten letters, and just in general, phone free.

Will I still use my phone everyday? Yes, I use it to connect with people I am building professional relationships with, I use it to life coach, I use it to decorate my social media feeds, to stay connected with my teenagers, but I know I have that phone in my hand far too often. So that stops now.

These two things are going to change my life and I am ready for all the crazy beautiful manifesting that will come from just tweaking things a bit.

How about you? Are you really ready to make 2017 different? Share with me how you are going to do it. What are you willing to do to finally achieve the life you want?

Live now! Make changes now. Start now. Life is happening now.

Sending you love,



50% Complete

Two Step

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